Friday, June 20, 2008

Posting at 8.33pm.

OMG! Had a really long day..Im so tired from going to work in the morning for about a few hours.....then had lunch with A. Melor... then to the KLSMC hospital for an appointment and to back to work. So so tiring.... but atleast I filled myself by doing things right?..

Now im just about to lie down and relax and wanting to sleep... but wait.. its only 8.40pm. so its still pretty early. Oh ya, Zayaana my cousin will be arriving tonight from Melbourne. She must be so happy to be back home..
'Welcome Back Zayaana'

Anyway, besides that, hopefully i'll be going to a concert on the 28th of June. Its at Padang Merbuk. Baha gave me tickets to go and watch. He gave me 4. so need to see who is busy and who wants to go. Its an open concert. so mesti ramai orang kan.....

'You make me smile"- just to brighten up abit-

Okay.... thats all for now... will update laterz...
so ciao...

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