Friday, September 26, 2008

Lagu Raya that I like....

Just browsing some raya songs and thought of putting on my blog!

Suasana Riang Di Hari Raya

Marilah adikku marilah bersamaku
Kutukarkan bajumu yang baru
Ramailah kawanmu yang telah menunggu
Cepatlah siap adikku
Panggillah kawanmu duduk keliling meja
Makanlah ketupat kuih-muih yang ada
Jangan rebut-rebut makanlah dengan tertib
Itulah pesan ibu

Kalau sudah makan jalan ramai-ramai
Bersama kawanmu semua
Bersalam-salaman bermaaf-maafan
Di hari bahagia iniAlangkah girangnya di hari yang mulia
Kita semua berhari raya
Dengan hati ikhlas zahir batin sekata
Selamat hari raya

Selamat Hari Raya everybody! In advance....Maaf Zahir Batin.

Berbuka Puasa Bersama DJ ERA!!!

HI semua!!!!

Yesterday on the 25th of September, DJ Era came to buka puasa with me... At first I was suppose to go to the bazaar with Kak Nor(penerbit) but then it was too late because takut at my place jam. So I was at home waiting waiting waiting for them to arrive. Finally kak nor called and I was like OMG diorang dah sampai. So I was at the gate waiting for them. Then I saw kak Nana coming with Brian..then Adi, then Kieran and Wife then kak nor....After buka Puasa we borak2 outside while ambik gambar.... and gossip! Wah! gitu.... hmmm also ate more of the kuih... After that, Shasha took them for a tour... ofcourse they played the pinball, air hockey and also the snooker... I have some photos that you can see!... Around 9.30pm they had to go home because diorang keje at 4.30 in the morning.. Kesian diorang. So gave them some small hadiah to say thank you... Okay... anyway ofcourse me and liyana was so happy!!!!! ofcourse the next one will be the open house which kak nor said that Pak Nil might come!!!!... So Happy...

Okay will update soon ya!!!!
Oh ya before I go... just to Say Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua!!!!!
Love you all

Thursday, September 11, 2008

More photos from liyana

I love these photos!! Memang rock gitu...Love ERA

posted at 5.20


Hi all,

OMG!!!! you seriously want to know this...!

I got chosen untuk Carta Era Babe.... hehehe... Me( shasha), Kak Su, Airina and liyana. Edry KRU was the jemputan artis. Tapi sayangnye Pak Nil tak datang cos he cuti. tapi takpelah Nana pun best jugak!! You rawk girl! Hehe.. It was so scary sbb recording kan, sape x takut lebih2 lagi on air this sunday! anyway I had fun. this is the best month ever!

Kpd Era, thanks for jemput Shasha and gang and semoga dapat jumpa lagi! You all rawk la. I dgr ERA 24/7 tau. tk la 24/7 but bolehla... hehe... anyway just a short post tapi enjoy the pics..

comment ya if can!
take care

Puasa di bulan Ramadhan/Temu janji bersama Abg Reza

HI all,

Sorry hvnt been updating sbb so busy la lately. Mcm tak tahu when to update. Anyway Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua! Harap2 you all stay puasa sampai raya ye.... Also dalam bulan Ramadhan ni I am so happy because in this month banyak juga things that happened... like Temu janji bersama Reza! Carta Era! and ofcourse many things that are coming up. I will now post pics of me and REZA the other day. Kinda old but kenangan katakan....
Kpd abg Reza, Thanks for the dinner. It is a really best nite.
okay will update soon.
Selamat berpuasa guys!