2nd pic: 5 Main stars( Mawi, Stacy, Mila, Gita Gutawa, Dafi
3rd pic: Heliza and I
4th pic: Qalif( LJ's son) and I
-Mulanya Di Sini- Well... this is how it goes.... Baha gave me tickets to watch a concert on the 28th of June at Padang Merbuk, So the concert was held yesterday. So I was at home waiting for Kak Su and Miss liyana. Waited for so long tau!!!!! Ofcourse they datang lambat... so apalagi mengamuk ah... Left the house thinking we would be late, but actually we were quite early sampai the crew pun baru sampai. Can u imagine?
It was pouring with rain.... but I doa that it would stop and it did! Hurray! Hmmm then we masuklah... pastu we saw chairs but we know only for VIP. The tickets we got wasnt VIP. Apalah Baha.... Cheh... Then we were being abit silly, we ask kak su to call baha to see whether he can get us the VIP tickets... Punya banyak alasan.. sampai calling 2 kali. Then he came.. brought us our tickets.... Tgk2 we were seated behind Mila Jirin's parents... Wah syok gitu! So ofcourse dapat camera spotlight. dah kita duduk belakang diorangkan.... Rasa mcm popular.. Betul ke? Wah terlebih sudah.
We waited and waited punye lama....... lama2 the show started.. and guess who was the host!!! Awal!!!! We were screaming like no one's business!!! We quickly snapped photos tapi blurr coz he was moving around. The first perfomance was Dafi and Gita singing "Dua Hati Menjadi Satu". They were the duta ofcourse. Then came Mila singing two songs, Stacy came to duet with Dancing Queen. She did her performance with Aku Stacy and "Mahkluk Tuhan Paling Sexy". It was awesome! Lepas tu, came out Estranged followed by Mawi. Their performances were OKla tu!
Show ended awal.. not awal yang tu tau! hehehe.. kidding. but we balik around 12. Kenapa? Why? Because we were waiting for the artis... So sambil tunggu I went to see Bapak Dafi selepas liyana and kak su pujuk2 me. So pegilah..At first he thought I was Zahid Hamidi punye daughter.... but i was like nope wrong person.... then he remembered who! ingat lagi masa my dad called him about my farewell party. But atleast ingat... Rugi Tasha tak datang.... Oh ya sambil tunggu pun ambik gambar ngan Big Boss Maestro. Mr Freddie Fernendez.
So after all that.... we pun baliklah.... oh but before that, while I was waiting for them to come out... guess what...! my sole of my shoe came off... Malu giler... Ikut tradisi my mum la tu.. HEhe.. but it was funny.
Anyway thats all for now.... Wrote most of it... So will update soon....